Creating a child theme

If you wish to overwrite any of the templates or styles that come with Honeycomb, or if you wish to add additional functionality, you should definitely do this within a child theme. This will prevent you losing any changes should a newer version of Honeycomb be released in the future.

You can download a blank child theme below:

Download blank child theme

To manually create a child theme, create a new folder in your themes folder and name it something suitable (e.g. honeycomb-child). Within this folder there needs to be just two files:

style.css – Should contain the below:

Theme Name: Honeycomb Child 
Version: 1.0 
Description: Child theme for Honeycomb. 
Author: Property Hive
Author URI: 
Template: honeycomb 

functions.php – Needs to exist but can be empty.

Then you can navigate to ‘Appearance > Themes’ and activate this child theme.