The properties list

The properties list allows you to view, search, filter and sort properties that exist within Property Hive:

Searching for a property

If you know the address or reference number of the property that you're looking for, simply enter your search term in the top right corner and click 'Search Properties':

Filtering properties

From the main property list you can filter your properties by a wide array of fields:

By default you can filter by:

Additional filters may also be available depending on whether you have any additional features enabled.

The property result

For each result shown in the property list we'll show key information about the property including:

  • Thumbnail image
  • Full address
  • Bedrooms
  • Property type
  • Price/rent and price qualifier
  • Size (commercial properties only)
  • Availability
  • Whether the property is on or off the market
  • Any portal feeds that the property is active on
  • The owner and landlord details
  • Assigned negotiator
  • Assigned office

Customising the columns shown

You can customise the columns shown by clicking 'Screen Options' in the top right:

You'll then be presented with a list of the columns and the ability to turn each of them on or off:

For more advanced customisation of the columns shown, such as being able to reorder the columns or add additional custom columns, you can use a third party plugin like Admin Columns.

Customising the number of properties shown

You can customise the number of properties shown per page by clicking 'Screen Options' in the top right:

You'll then have the option to customise the number of properties shown (defaults to 20):