The sales list

The sales list allows you to view, search, filter and sort sales that exist within Property Hive:

Searching for a sale

If you know the address of the property or the name of the applicant that's involved in the sale, simply enter your search term in the top right corner and click 'Search Sales':

Filtering sales

From the main sales list you can filter your sales by a wide array of fields:

By default you can filter by:

  • Status - Filter sales by status including 'Current', 'Exchanged', 'Completed' or 'Fallen Through'
  • Office - Filter by offices setup under 'Property Hive > Settings > Offices'.
  • Date - Filter by the date that the sale was initiated

The sale result

For each result shown in the sales list we'll show key information about the sale including:

  • Date that the sale was initiated
  • The address of the property that has the sale going through on it
  • Details of the owner of the property
  • The applicant(s) involved in the sale
  • The agreed sale amount
  • The status of the sale

Customising the columns shown

You can customise the columns shown by clicking 'Screen Options' in the top right:

You'll then be presented with a list of the columns and the ability to turn each of them on or off:

For more advanced customisation of the columns shown, such as being able to reorder the columns or add additional custom columns, you can use a third party plugin like Admin Columns.

Customising the number of sales shown

You can customise the number of sales shown per page by clicking 'Screen Options' in the top right:

You'll then have the option to customise the number of sales shown (defaults to 20):