Shortcodes - [property_static_map]
About the shortcode
Output a map showing a property’s location. This will use the Google Maps Static API and will produce an image of the map.
Use the attributes below to further customise the shortcode output, for example:
[property_static_map height="600"]
Note that a property must have co-ordinates set under the 'Summary' tab of a property record for the map to display.
Attribute: height
Description: The height of the map div.
Default: 400
Example: [property_static_map height="600"]
Attribute: zoom
Description: The default zoom level of the map
Default: 14
Example: [property_static_map zoom="16"]
Attribute: link
Description: Whether or not the map image should link off to Google Maps
Default: true
Example: [property_static_map link="false"]
Attribute: id
Description: Only applicable if displaying multiple property maps on the same page, such as on the search results page. Each ID passed in should be unique.
Default: (empty)
Example: [property_static_map id="map_x"]