Shortcodes - [property_office_details]

About the shortcode

This shortcode can be used on the single property page and will output the contact details of the office that the property is assigned to .


Use the attributes below to further customise the shortcode output, for example:

[property_office_details address_separator=", "]

Office details can be customised within ‘Property Hive > Settings > Offices’.


Attribute: address_separator

Description: What character/tag to separate the parts of the office address with.

Default: <br>

Example: [property_office_details address_separator=", "]

Attribute: hyperlink_telephone_number

Description: Whether to hyperlink the telephone number allowing people to click it to call the number.

Default: true

Example: [property_office_details hyperlink_telephone_number="false"]

Attribute: hyperlink_email_address

Description: Whether to hyperlink the email address allowing people to click it to open their email client.

Default: true

Example: [property_office_details hyperlink_email_address="false"]