Shortcodes - [office_map]

About the shortcode

Display a Google map showing the location of an office(s) using the shortcode:


By default this will display all offices and, if more than one, will zoom out to automatically fit them all into the view.

Use the attributes below to further customise the shortcode output, for example:

[office_map height="600"] 

Office co-ordinates can be customised within ‘Property Hive > Settings > Offices’.


Attribute: office_id

Description: Display a map for a particular office by passing in the office ID.

The office ID can be obtained by navigating to ‘Property Hive > Settings > Offices’, editing the office in question and looking in the URL.

Default: (empty)

Example: [office_map office_id="123"]

Attribute: height

Description: Set the height of the map output.

Default: 400

Example: [office_map height="500"]

Attribute: zoom

Description: Set the default zoom level.

Default: 14 if the 'office_id' attribute is passed as an attribute or if only one office exists. Otherwise it will default to 'auto' and zoom to fit all offices.

Example: [office_map zoom="16"]

Attribute: scrollwheel

Description: Specify whether using the mouse wheel should scroll the map

Default: true

Example: [office_map scrollwheel="false"]