Replace default 'Make Enquiry' button with a custom button

The default 'Make Enquiry' button/link that comes with Property Hive will open an enquiry form in a lightbox.

If you'd prefer this button to link elsewhere you can customise it like so:

// Remove default 'Make enquiry' button
remove_action( 'propertyhive_property_actions_list_start', 'propertyhive_make_enquiry_button', 10 );

// Put new enquiry button in
add_filter( 'propertyhive_single_property_actions', 'custom_make_enquiry_action' );
function custom_make_enquiry_action( $actions )
    global $property;
    $action = array(
      'href' => '/custom-url/?id=' .  $property->id . '&property=' . get_the_title($property->id),
      'label' => __( 'Make Enquiry', 'propertyhive' ),
      'class' => 'action-make-enquiry',
    array_unshift($actions, $action); // Move to the beginning
    return $actions;