Customise property enquiry form fields

To customise the fields shown within the property enquiry form we have a filter that can be used as such:

add_filter( 'propertyhive_property_enquiry_form_fields', 'add_enquiry_field_form', 10, 1 );
function add_enquiry_field_form( $fields )
    $fields['my_custom_field'] = array(
        'type' => 'select', // text / textarea / date / select / hidden / checkbox / radio
        'label' => __( 'My Custom Field', 'propertyhive' ),
        'show_label' => true,
        'before' => '<div class="control control-my-custom-field">',
        'required' => true, // true/false
        'options' => array( // only applicable when 'type' is 'select' or 'radio'
            'Option 1' => 'Option 1',
            'Option 2' => 'Option 2',
            'Option 3' => 'Option 3',
    return $fields;

Once the enquiry form is submitted the value entered should automatically come through on the email and be added as part of the enquiry details recorded inside Property Hive.