Default templates

Property Hive comes with it’s own set of default templates meaning you can display properties on your site without having to do any code.

Of course, there is a high chance that you will want to amend the layouts or data shown in someway.

This is achievable by overriding the templates you wish to change but first let’s look at the template structure:

Note: All of the default templates can be found at %YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR%/propertyhive/templates/ .

Never change these template files direct in the plugin folder as any changes may be lost if you ever update the plugin.

The preferred method is to create a copy of the template in your theme. See the ‘Overriding Templates’ guide for more information on how to do this.


This directory contains templates relating to the 'My Account' area of your site. From registration forms to the contents of each individual section once logged in.


This directory contains templates for emails sent including the header, footer, CSS styles, the property content for email alerts and more


This directory contains the templates that apply to or can be displayed on more than one page, and in some cases might apply to every page on your site. An example of this is the search form.


This directory contains templates relating to individual components on the search results page (e.g. pagination, price etc)


This directory contains templates relating to individual components of the single property details page.


The Template for displaying property archives, also referred to as ‘Search Results’. This includes the content-property.php template.


This is referenced within archive-property.php and contains the HTML for a single search result.


Similarly to the above, if you show featured properties on your site using the [featured_properties] shortcode, this is the HTML for a single featured property results.


As the two files above, this is the HTML for single recent property should you want to show new instructions or recently added properties on the site using the [recent_properties] shortcode.


This is the main file used when someone views a single property details page on your site. This includes the content-single-property.php file below.


This file is included by the single-property.php file above and includes all of the components and details for an individual property page (images, features, descriptions etc)