Managing Embeds

When you access your AllAgents Review Embed settings you'll be presented with a table highlighting any existing embeds that you have setup and the ability to create a new embed:

You can have an unlimited number of embed setup at any one time. This allows you to have one embed per office should you wish

Adding and editing a new AllAgents review embed

To set up a new export click the 'Add new widget' button.

To edit an existing widget click the 'Edit' button next to the embed in question.

You'll be presented with the ability to add/edit the AllAgents embed with the settings explained below:

Widget details

Name - Give the embed an internal name (e.g. 'AllAgents Widget' or 'Manchester Reviews') so you have some way to differentiate between them. Especially useful if setting up multiple embeds.

Integration type - What type of integration to use. The options here are:

i) AllAgents widget- With this enabled you'll be able to just copy and paste in the widget HTML that you've obtained:

Styling options will be limited but it's quick and easy to get started.

ii) AllAgents API- We'll obtain reviews via the AllAgents API and give you a lot more options about which reviews to display and more control over styling: