
Accessing the Frontend Property Submissions settings

With the Frontend Property Submissions add on feature enabled you can access the settings by navigating to 'Property Hive > Settings' from the left hand WordPress menu:

If you have Property Hive only mode enabled this will just be 'Settings' direct from the left hand WordPress menu:

If you don't see the 'Settings' submenu option available it could mean your user role doesn't have the right permissions as this is only available to administrators.

From there you should see a 'Frontend Submissions' settings tab:

Click this to access the settings for this feature.

Settings explained

User must be logged in?: Check this setting if users must have an account and be logged in before being able to add properties. If not selected then anybody can add properties. A login form can be displayed by using the shortcode [propertyhive_login_form].

Login URL: If users must be logged in (see above setting) but they try to add a property they'll be shown a link to login instead. This field should contain a link to the URL where they can login.

Register URL: If users must be logged in (see above setting) but they try to add a property they'll be shown a link to regsiter instead. This field should contain a link to the URL where they can register.

When properties are added...: You can use this setting if you'd prefer to moderate properties before they go live. If this is the case, properties will appear in the WordPress and be flagged as 'Awaiting Moderation':

Alternatively you can set it so properties go live automatically as soon as they're added.

Allow editing of properties?: Should a user be able to edit properties that they've added. If enabled, an 'Edit' link will be displayed when outputting properties using the [propertyhive_submitted_properties] shortcode.

Edit property URL: If you're allowing users to edit properties this should contain a URL to the page which allows them to edit their property. The page in question should contain the [propertyhive_submit_property_form] shortcode.

Allow users to take properties off the market?: Should a user be able to remove a property from the market.

Allow users to put properties back on the market?: Should a user be able to add a property to the market.

Allow deleting of properties?: Should a user be able to fully delete a property.