
This page contains information specific to Dezrez. For a general guide on setting up a property import please see our 'Creating your first property import' guide.

We support two Dezrez formats, DezrezOne XML and Dezrez Rezi JSON. If you are unsure which one to use, please contact Dezrez who will be able to clarify which is applicable for you.

Setting up an import from Dezrez using XML

When creating a property import from Dezrez using XML you'll be presented with the following fields:

API Key -  You will need to obtain your API Key directly from Dezrez

Estate Agency ID -  You will need to obtain your Estate Agency ID directly from Dezrez.

Branch ID(s) - A comma-delimited list of Dezrez branch IDs which can be obtained from Dezrez. Leave blank to import properties for all branches.

Setting up an import from Dezrez using JSON

When creating a property import from Dezrez using JSON you'll be presented with the following fields:

API Key - You will need to obtain your API Key directly from Dezrez.

Branch ID(s) - A comma-delimited list of Dezrez branch IDs which can be obtained from Dezrez. Leave blank to import properties for all branches.

Tags - A comma-delimited list of Agent Defined tags within Dezrez. Leave this blank if you're not wanting to filter properties by tag.

Only import updated properties - To ensure feeds run quicker and more efficiently you can tick this option to only import properties that have changed since the last time an import ran.