
Accessing the Radial Search settings

With the Radial Search add on feature enabled you can access the settings by navigating to 'Property Hive > Settings' from the left hand WordPress menu:

If you have Property Hive only mode enabled this will just be 'Settings' direct from the left hand WordPress menu:

If you don't see the 'Settings' submenu option available it could mean your user role doesn't have the right permissions as this is only available to administrators.

From there you should see a 'Radial Search' settings tab:

Click this to access the settings for this feature.

Settings explained


Geocoding API requests cost money (though you do get a $200 worth of free credits from Google each month which means you may never go into the paid-for bracket). As such we do our best to minimise the number of API requests made.

One way that we do this is by caching the results obtained from previous geocoding requests.

If someone searches for 'London' and we get the co-ordinates back, we'll store these in our database so when the next person searches 'London' we already have the lat/lng available and don't need to request them again.

You can view the current cache here and even click the 'View cache' button to see the current cache.

Checking the cache can be a good way to know if the radial search feature is working or not.

If your performing a radial search on the frontend but nothing is being entered into the cache you know it's not working. See our Troubleshooting guide if this is the case.

Search forms

This section includes instructions on how to add a radius dropdown to your search forms.

It also has the ability the enable 'Current Location' functionality:

With this enabled a user will be able to choose to search around their current location, instead of having to manually enter a location as their search term:


The last setting is related to troubleshooting any issues surrounding radial search:

We'll display any properties here that don't have co-ordinates set. Please see our Troubleshooting guide if you're experiencing this where we go into detail about the possible causes.