
Searching for a radius doesn't seem to work

My properties don't have a latitude or longitude

If you're adding properties manually to Property Hive you'll need to ensure that co-ordinates are entered under the 'Summary' tab of a property record.

If you're importing properties using our Property Import add on most CRM's will send the latitude and longitude in the data. If they don't, or the lat/lng fields are empty we'll fallback to trying to get the co-ordinates ourselves based on the address provided.

If it's falling back to doing it ourselves, any errors regarding this will be logged in the import logs.

The wrong co-ordinates are being returned for an address I search

If the co-ordinates are massively wrong, does the address you're entering exist in multiple places? For example there are two 'St. Ives' in the UK.

If this is the case, you can add a bias to geocoding requests by appending a town or county name to end of the searched address using a custom snippet like so:

add_filter( 'propertyhive_radial_search_location_lookup', 'add_radial_search_bias' );
function add_radial_search_bias($location)
    $location .= ', Yorkshire';
    return $location;

If that's not the case and the co-ordinates are only slightly off, this could just be the co-ordinates returned by the third party geocoding service. Google is normally pretty accurate, however if you're using OpenStreetMap we have found this to be a bit hit and miss depending on the area being searched.