Displaying shortlisted properties

There are three ways in which you can display shortlisted properties.

Using the existing search results page

Let's say your existing search results page URL is /search-results/. You can append ?shortlisted=1 to the end of this URL to show shortlisted properties.

Assuming you're using the default Property Hive templates, this will do the following:

  • Change the page title to 'Shortlisted Properties'
  • Remove the search form
  • Pull in shortlisted properties

Use the shortcode

Use the shortcode [shortlisted_properties] to output the shortlisted properties on any page.

Read more about shortcodes here.

In the users 'My Account' area

If you allow users to login, if they have shortlisted properties, a 'Shortlist' tab will appear within their 'My Account' area.