

The Stamp Duty Calculator plugin has a number of shortcodes available.


To output a stamp duty calculator that bases it's calculation on rates in England:



To output a stamp duty calculator that bases it's calculation on rates in Scotland:



To output a stamp duty calculator that bases it's calculation on rates in Wales:



To output a stamp duty calculator that bases it's calculation on commercial rates :


Setting a default price

Should you wish to default the 'Purchase Price' field to a dynamic value (e.g. on a property page) you can pass a price attribute through like so to any of the stamp duty shortcodes referenced above:

[stamp_duty_calculator price="200000"]

If you're doing this in a Property Hive template you might do something like so:

global $property;
echo do_shortcode('[stamp_duty_calculator price="' . $property->price_actual . '"]'); 