General - Media

Media such as images, floorplans, brochures and EPCs can be stored in a couple of ways inside Property Hive. Depending on the number of properties and your server configuration you might be better storing them one way over another.

To customise the way in which media is stored navigate to 'Property Hive > Settings > General > Media':

If you don't see the 'Settings' submenu option available it could mean your user role doesn't have the right permissions as this is only available to administrators.

For each media type you can opt to store media as 'Media Files' (default) or as 'URLs'.

Let's look at how each storage method works.

Storing as media files

When storing media as 'Media Files', images etc will be physically stored in the WordPress Media Library and therefore will take up space on your server.

When managing properties in Property Hive you'll browse/upload to the physical file using the standard WordPress media uploader window:

Storing as URLs

When storing media as 'URLs' you'll have the ability to enter the URL's to the media on the property record instead of physically uploading the file:

Pros and cons of each

Each method has pros and cons, primarily:

Disk space: Storing the physical files takes up a lot of diskspace on your server. Storing them as URL's will take up no additional diskspace as we're just hotlinking off to a third parties' server.

No resized versions of the images: When we display images in search results we might use a 'medium' image. When displaying images on the full details page we might show a 'large' image. If storing media as 'Media Files' this is do-able as WordPress automatically creates resized versions of each image.

If you're storing images as 'URLs' this won't be possible as we only have the one image URL and we'll show the same image everywhere. As a result, note that search results pages could load slower if the third party images being linked to are large in filesize.

If you are opting to store media as 'URLs', we recommend you check this is ok with the third party that you're linking to as their bandwidth will be affected if you're linking to images on their server.