Emails - General settings

There are various emails sent by the Property Hive plugin including property enquiries, email alerts, event confirmations, and more.

Many of these are configurable within the settings area, accessible by navigating to 'Property Hive > Settings > Emails':

If you don't see the 'Settings' submenu option available it could mean your user role doesn't have the right permissions as this is only available to administrators.

Email sender settings

"From" email address - This'll be the primary 'From' email address used when sending an email. If you have multiple offices setup we'll try use the relevant email address for that office where we can.

For example, if you're sending an email alert to an applicant, or a viewing confirmation email, we'll use the relevant office email address.

If we can't get an office email address, or this isn't relevant we'll use the email address entered here.

If you're using an SMTP plugin it might have an option to prevent plugins or themes overriding the 'From' address. If that's selected then this option becomes irrelevant.

Email template settings

Primarily used for applicant email alerts, in this section you'll be able to brand the emails sent to match your agency.

Header image URL - A link to an image that you want to appear at the top of emails. This might be just your logo or a specially designed email header graphic. If you don't have a URL to the image you can upload it to the WordPress Media Library and then link to it from there.

Email background colour - The colour of the outer email body.

Body background colour - The background colour of the 600px wide email container.

Body text colour - The font colour used throughout.