Emails - Booking confirmations

Property Hive comes with the ability to send event confirmations to attending parties for appraisals and viewings.

On a viewing or appraisal record in Property Hive you'll have actions like so allowing you to instantly send these email confirmations:

To configure the functionality relating to these email confirmations navigate to 'Property Hive > Settings > Emails':

If you don't see the 'Settings' submenu option available it could mean your user role doesn't have the right permissions as this is only available to administrators.

The settings you'll have the ability to configure are:

Applicant viewing booking confirmations

Customise the email subject and body sent to applicants when a viewing confirmation is sent.

The shortcodes available to use in these fields are:







Owner/Landlord viewing booking confirmations

Customise the email subject and body sent to owners/landlords when a viewing confirmation is sent.

The shortcodes available to use in these fields are:









Attending negotiator viewing booking confirmations

Customise the email subject and body sent to attending negotiators when a viewing confirmation is sent.

The shortcodes available to use in these fields are:











Owner/Landlord appraisal booking confirmations

Customise the email subject and body sent to attending owners/landlords when an appraisal confirmation is sent.

The shortcodes available to use in these fields are:







Customise confirmation emails before sending

By default this will be unticked meaning once you've clicked to send an email booking confirmation it will be sent instantly.

With this option selected you'll have the ability to customise the email subject and body before it gets sent:

Great for if you want to add specific instructions about where to meet or to personalise the confirmations further.